Thursday, July 2, 2009

Okay seriously

Why can't things ever seem to go right? All I wanted to do was send emails out of the Query letter and first five pages of my manuscript to family. I copied from word and pasted in an email. By the time it reached my mom stuff was in the manuscript that wasn't there before. I had to literally rewrite everything just to put it in an email.
On the brighter side, the chapter I sent to my niece, she loved it. She is an avid twilight reader and is the genre I am trying to reach. So I guess that's exciting news. Now I guess I can refrain from throwing my laptop out the window, and beating my head on the counter.

Hugs Everyone,


One response

Okay I sent the first chapter to my cousin, and I purposely left out I had written it. She replied and said it was good, but why did you only send me one chapter? Now I'm interested in what happens. So I guess that's a plus; it held her interested enough to see more.
I also found the first agent I'm going to bless with my Query letter. (laughing) She prefers emails, so that's easy enough. You have to start somewhere.