Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sent out my first Chapter

Okay so today I sent out my first chapter to a few friends, hopefully they can give me some honest feedback. I spent most of the evening reading through the manuscript several times, making any corrections I spotted. So hopefully it's almost good enough to start sending to Agents. (Crossing my fingers)


  1. I wish you luck! When I first started sending my manuscript to friends my only requirement was to tell me if they liked it or not. But that was because I have had trouble taking criticism - I still kind of do, but it comes from an over critical, perfectionist mother who I will never show my work too. If she wants to read it she can buy it! LOL! But I doubt she'll like it!

    Anyway, again, I wish you luck!! :-D


  2. Thank you ! My first suggestion to you is think positive. LOL
